What Students Say
"Going to KB Academy is a LOT of fun! I’m learning a lot, but not in a boring way. My teachers are friendly, understand me, care about me and don’t judge me when I make mistakes. They show me respect, are kind and honest with me. They make it easy to learn and feel like I have some control over my own learning.
We get lots of breaks to make sure our brain rests after learning. Learning is relaxing, fun and what I’ve learned actually stays in my brain! This is helping me feel like my brain is going not crazy. I really like going to KB Academy because I have gained friends, learned a lot and feel like I can reach my goals."
- KB Academy Student
"The Kick-Back-Kave is a fun place to breathe and have a brain break. It’s a relaxing space to hang for a few minutes. If I have a lot on my mind, I can go to the Kave and think through some stuff. I really like that. My brain can breathe and my body can chill when I’m in the KBK. We have fun activities to do in the Kave and we are even allowed to take some of them into our classroom to help us as we learn!"
- KB Academy Student